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The Charities

Please note: The Charities do not endorse my books as a product, this is my way of giving to them and encouraging others to as well.

In publishing these books there are two intentions. 


1. One that the readers enjoy a good story and have time to dwell in a land of beauty and magic for a while. 


2. To raise as much money for charities that protect our environment and for charities that support children's welfare and education. 


At least 10% of the net profit will be donated to charities.  'The Magician's Way' will champion the World Wildlife Fund for all purchases made on line or in bookshops.  


Other charities that schools and voluntary organisations would like supported will also benefit by arrangement with the author.

Book 1 -'The Magician's Way' - to support WWF from net profit


Further plans for charities,

Book 2 - 'The Serpent Lord' - to support Unicef

Book 3 - 'The Forest Queen' - to support The Woodland Trust and related charities


If invited to book signing or workshops where I can sell the book I am happy to consider any charity that helps the environment or children or animal welfare. 


Contact Elizabeth

© Elizabeth Scott 2015-2018

web design : Vidyadasa

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